I was born in Ohio, grew up in Pennsylvania, and experienced most of my adult life in Connecticut. I have been a teacher of art at all levels, from Kindergarten through adult education. Most of my teaching career was at the high school level which provided myriad opportunities to learn and grow along with my students every day. I now live in Florida, enjoying quality time with my family when I am not on the road or in the skies to learn as much as I can about our beautiful planet and its inhabitants.
Through my writing and my art, I have explored relationships such as man and nature, work and play, and competition and cooperation. My approach to work and life demands that I greet each opportunity as a novice, allowing a healthy dose of play and experimentation. With this philosophy as my guide, I am able to maintain a freshness that opens windows of discovery and possibility. I strive to express the specific yet elusive elements that bring meaning to particular places in moments of time. This journey and the yearning for ever deeper understanding keeps me searching, as there is so much yet to learn, so much more to explore. I try to approach each day with gratitude and joy, and then watch the day unfold.
(Group Shows)
(Group Shows)
WH Eight
Eight ’18
Form and Void
West Hartford Art League
Guilford Art Center
Golden Thread Gallery
ArtSpace Gallery
Golden Thread Gallery
ArtSpace Gallery
West Hartford, CT
Guilford, CT
Farmington, CT
Hartford, CT
Farmington, CT
Hartford, CT
2018 WH Eight
West Hartford Art League
W Hartford, CT
2018 Eight ’18
Guilford Art Center, Guilford, CT
2015 Form and Void
Golden Thread Gallery
Farmington, CT
2014 Evolving
ArtSpace Gallery, Hartford, CT
2014 Wonder
Golden Thread Gallery
Farmington, CT
2009 Eight
ArtSpace Gallery, Hartford, CT
I have exhibited in additional group shows including Farmington Valley Arts Center in Avon, CT, Gallery on the Green in Canton, CT, and in others at West Hartford Art League and ArtSpace Hartford. My work is also in private homes and collections in several states.
Outstanding Higher Education Art Educator
Outstanding Secondary Art Educator
First Place
Vocational Improvement Practices Award
Academic Chair
Connecticut Art Education Association
Connecticut Art Education Association
Student group mural competition, Westfarms Mall, Farmington, CT
Connecticut State Department
Interdisciplinary collaboration for the design and execution of a concrete sculpture at Hall High School, West Hartford, CT
2010 Outstanding Higher Education
Art Educator, CAEA
2004 Outstanding Secondary
Art Educator, CAEA
1996 First Place
Student group mural competition,
Westfarms Mall, Farmington, CT
1990 Vocational Improvement
Practices Award,
CT State Department
1987 Academic Chair, Interdisciplinary
collaboration for the design and
execution of concrete sculpture,
Hall High School, W Hartford, CT
Public Art
Public Art
The Line Project
Wall of Respect
Leaning H
Five separate painted cow sculptures over five years, West Hartford, Boston, and Chicago
Organized and participated in a fundraiser for The West Hartford Symphony Orchestra; painted instruments by several artists for auction, West Hartford, CT
Painted panda sculpture, Pandamania, DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, Washington, DC
Organized and directed over 300 students in the creation of a multi-media line that surrounded Hall High School, West Hartford, CT
Organized and directed over 1,000 people in the painting of a four-panel mural, Hall High School, West Hartford, CT
Organized and oversaw the design and construction of a concrete outdoor sculpture, Hall High School, West Hartford, CT
2004-2008 CowParade, five different cow sculptures painted over five years, West Hartford, Boston, and Chicago
2005 Fiddleheads, Organized and participated in a fundraiser for The West Hartford Symphony Orchestra; several artists painted instruments for auction, West Hartford, CT
2004 Pandabandana, Painted panda sculpture, Pandamania, DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, Washington, DC
2002 The Line Project, Organized and directed over 300 students in the creation of a multi-media line that surrounded Hall High School, West Hartford, CT
2000-2001 Wall of Respect, Organized and directed over 1,000 people from the community in the painting of a four-panel mural, Hall High School, West Hartford, CT
1987-1989 Leaning H, Organized and oversaw the design and construction of a concrete outdoor sculpture, Hall High School, West Hartford, CT
Publications & Video
2018 Ocean Dance, graphite, selected for inclusion in Golden Thread Project, Connecting the Human Spirit through the Arts by Kate H. Wilson
2002 Video: The Wall of Respect, A Community Mural Project, Writer and Producer, WHC-TV, West Hartford CT Community Television
2001 The Wall of Respect: a community mural celebrating the rich diversity of our student population, Visions, CAEA Art Education journal
2000 Video: A Community of Instruments and Musicians, the Story of Luthier Jon van Kouenhoven, Writer and Producer, WHC-TV, West Hartford, CT
1991 Will Spring Ever Come to Gobbler’s Knob, Illustrator, Literary Publications
1987 The Story of Punxsutawney Phil, the Fearless Forecaster, Illustrator, Literary Publications